PeetRonics' blog

All can be true!

Sat 30 November 2019 - read time: 1 min.

What I Have Learned Today - #026


photo of our dog, Sky

Not that long ago we did get a dog, Sky. He’s such a great addition to our family 🐶.

Today we took him out to an enclosed field where he could run around off the lead. He absolutely loved it; and so did we.

While being out with the dog I came to realise you can learn so much from having a four legged friend. Could name a lot of things but you fill that in for yourself…

For now, let me enjoy the company of Sky and a dram 🍹.

Enjoy your weekend!

This post is part of a series of articles about “What I Have Learned Today”; acknowledging every day the thing I have learned. Feel free to read the other posts. all opinions in this article are my own and not necessarily represent the views of my employer.